You’re in the right place to find all the Hoboken street cleaning information like the schedule, map, holidays, tickets, jobs and more.
The City of Hoboken is in Northeast New Jersey and across the Hudson river from New York City, north of Jersey City and east of Newark NJ, and south of Union City and Yonkers.
If there’s a change to your street cleaning schedule then there’s a good chance your trash pickup schedule has changed too so make sure to check for updates.
Hoboken Street Sweeping Map
Here’s the map for Hoboken street cleaning schedule:
Hoboken Street Sweeping Schedule
Here’s the posted schedule for alternate side street sweeping. Visit for the most up to date calendar
The city uses alternate side street parking and you can find a list of the schedule below.
Street Cleaning Holidays (ASP Suspended)
Below are the Hoboken street cleaning holidays that may impact your sweeping schedule. These are parking holidays since alternate side parking regulations are suspended on these days.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr Birthday
- Presidents Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (observed)
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Election Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Floating Holiday
- Christmas Day
Since ASP enforcement is suspended on these days you can enjoy your real holiday during your parking holiday.
Hoboken Street Twitter Updates
If you have a twitter account you can follow @CityofHoboken for updates related to holidays, parking, and street sweeping.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a street cleaning ticket?
A ticket for street cleaning is $50. (Code 190-28)
Is there street cleaning today?
If today is one of the holidays listed above then no, there’s not street cleaning. (Or at least there’s no parking enforcement for street cleaning) If it’s NOT one of the holidays listed above, you can find the sweeping schedule here:
How do I pay a parking ticket in Hoboken?
If you get a parking ticket for parking on the street during cleaning day, the simplest thing to do is to pay it online.
You can pay your ticket online through the city website.
You can also pay the ticket in person at 100 Newark St Hoboken NJ, 07030. The office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am to 3:30pm.
You can also send a check to the address above but be sure to include the ticket prefix and number on the money order or check.
For more information visit the city’s FAQ page:
Street Sweeping Jobs in Hoboken
The best place to look for a street sweeping job in Hoboken is through the city’s hiring portal:
As of this writing, there were no street sweeping job openings.
You can also look to private companies using ziprecruiter
Did we miss something?
We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information to all things related to Hoboken street cleaning. If we missed something or need to update any information, please let us know in the comments.
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