Daly City is located to the south west of San Francisco on the Pacific Ocean and across the bay from Oakland.
You’re in the right place to find all the street cleaning information for Daly City like maps, schedules, holidays, tickets, jobs and more.
Note: If there’s a change to your normal street sweeping schedule then there’s likely also a change to your trash pickup schedule.
Daly City Street Sweeping Schedule
The schedule for the city can be found here: https://www.dalycity.org/460/Street-Cleaning-Schedule
The streets are listed alphabetically so you’ll need to scroll to your exact street.
Odd number sides and even number sides are often swept on different days to make parking easier.
You’ll also be able to see the time frame that the sweeper will sweep the street.
Daly City Street Sweeping Map
Click on the map below to find the Daly City street cleaning schedule and map.
Daly City Street Twitter Updates
Holidays that impact street sweeping
There will be no sweeping on the following holidays:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth (Observed)
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
These might be slightly different that the SF street cleaning holidays so check there too.
Daly City Parking Tickets
How much is a street cleaning ticket in Daly City?
The average ticket is between $35 and $100. Some fines may be as high as $1000.
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